Guest Info | Cedar Hill Golf and Country Club New Jersey

Guest Information

General Rules

Guests of a member may be entertained in the Club when accompanied by the member who invited them ("host member"). The conduct, behavior and charges of guests are the responsibility of the host member.

Guests must be formally registered where required (e.g. golf, tennis, pool and card rooms).

A member shall not bring as a guest any person who has been suspended or expelled from the Club, unless such person has been reinstated or the person's record has been so cleared as to make the person eligible for reinstatement.

Members who bring guests to the Club are to apprise them of all Club rules and regulations and such members shall assume responsibility for their guests and observance of these regulations.

Chauffeurs and security personnel (hired by members or their guests) are not considered guests and may not use any of the Club facilities. Members who invite guests who are accompanied by security personnel must notify the General Manager in advance of their arrival.

Nonmembers calling upon members should be asked to wait either in the lobby or in the pro shop, and while unaccompanied by a member must refrain from entering other parts of the Club.

Members may bring up to ten guests to the bars, cocktail lounges, and dining rooms except when limited for special events. Members may not leave unescorted guests in the Clubhouse or at Club facilities.

Guests may not sign to a member's account.

Dress Code

Club management will deny use of the Club facilities to anyone who is not wearing appropriate attire. Members shall advise their invited guests as to the dress code of the Club and shall be responsible for their compliance. Proper attire is required at all times in the public areas of the Clubhouse.

Attire not acceptable at any of the Club facilities:

  • Underwear type T-shirts (short or long sleeves)
  • T-shirt, long or short sleeve type, with printed phrases or slogans
  • Torn t-shirts
  • Sweat pants, sweat suits, bicycle or gym clothing
  • Swimwear (other than at the pool facilities)
  • Shorts - basketball, bicycle, sweat, running, cutoffs or short-shorts

Jeans may be worn in the Clubhouse unless otherwise stated. Jeans are not acceptable attire at the golf course, driving range, practice green and chipping green. Jeans may be worn when watching tennis play at the courts (not participating) and swimming pool.

Shoes, sneakers or slippers must be worn at all times in the Clubhouse including the locker rooms. Flip flops may only be worn at the swimming pool.

Tennis attire is acceptable while dining for lunch at the Clubhouse facilities.

Men - All shirts must be tucked in, with the exception of dress shirts that have full button down fronts (unless otherwise stated). Collared or polo type shirts must be worn tucked in for all holidays, evening events and dinners and may only be worn untucked for barbecues and family events.

Women may wear collarless or sleeveless shirts providing they are appropriately tailored.

Hats and caps may not be worn in the Club while dining in the Grill Room. Hats and caps may be worn in all other areas of the Club during golf tournaments, in the 19th Hole Bar and on the Patio, but must be worn with the brim forward.

Dress code requirements will be stated on the event flyers for special Club events.